Wednesday 2 March 2011


The Irish Republic, rather like the Weimar Republic before it, has become a fucking disgrace – fit only to be condemned to the rubbish bin of history.

I never much liked the Tonean tricolour anyway; it sharply suggests the divide-and-rule policy of perfidious Albion, keeping the Green and Orange Celts apart while feigning unity between the main ethnic traditions – Catholic, Anglican, and Dissenter (puritan). An Anglo-Irish Republic that, as modern history has shown, has been quick to abandon its republican socialist traditions in pursuance of capitalist gain and an effective sell-out to the WASPS. But that is at the roots of its current undoing and ... enslavement to Western and, in particular, European capital.

To me, this Irish Republic is nothing but an interim stage of political ideology between Ireland's colonial past and, hopefully, its theocratically-liberated future.

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